Last Of The Triffids

This guy was a surprise, a late bloom that stupefied me yesterday morning. I don't know why this one took so long to come to fruition but I was glad to see it. I had been feeling a little morose lately due to the demise of my sunflower forest. They'd had their time and while they once soared to great heights I can now feel that their time is past and a seasonal change is almost upon us. This one seems a little lonely out there all by himself amidst the dying stalks which once were his siblings. It seems odd that he's all alone while his brethren all bloomed and died out weeks ago. It made me thankful for my "little monsters" as I've come to call them. They have given me endless pleasure for the last four months and I'm thankful for this little reminder of a brilliant summer in the sun.


Anonymous said…
I almost skipped over this post because I didn't immediately register that the word "Triffid" and a photo of a sunflower was an update! Having said which, I suspect this "survivor" actually plotted and carried out the demise of his alleged siblings in order to reign supreme.

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