It's better than sci-fi
No, this isn't an episode of Stargate SG-1 although it's just as exciting and just as bizarre. This is CERN's new super duper pooper scooper...The Hadron Super Collider. The New York Times had an excellent article about it here but it's basic premise is that this huge particle accelerator may yield some of the biggest scientific discoveries about the universe we've ever seen. It may also portend doom for not only our planet but for the universe as well. So exciting!
Due to the possibility of producing the mysterious Higgs boson which is a particle that imbues other particles with mass, the fate of the universe may hinge on our NOT producing it. Let's be clear, the particle could be dangerous. It may be anathema to existence in our macro world. For that reason the coincidence of every possible snafu and accident slowing down the accelerator's much awaited research may not be coincidence. As bizarre as it sounds it may be due to the probability of making the Higgs boson and the fact that the universe may be fighting it's creation. Could that possibility of a future where the Higgs boson exists be sending probability waves back in time to sabotage the very existence of the Hadron Collider? Could this (of sorts) be the worlds first time machine? Will the earth be saved from being devoured by a mini-quasar by a future event thereby setting up a hysteresis loop (thank you Doctor Who) of sorts? Holy shit, this could be the end of the world as we know it! Pass the popcorn. Jaffa! Cree!