A Walk in the Countryside

Episode 9, Eternity and the peanut butter and jelly sandwich

There is nothing like a really good peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This particular American delicacy should be re-classified as its own food group. To experience it is akin to Nirvana, a state of bliss envelopes anyone who partakes of this manna especially when finished off with chips and a generous tumbler of milk. And while Jackson stares at me while I'm eating mine I just want to make one thing clear...this is MY peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

JACKSON: Is it good?
MOTLEYFOOL: Yes, very.
JACKSON: Just let me know if you can't finish it, OK?
MOTLEYFOOL: I'll give you a jingle.
JACKSON: Methinks I'm being ignored here.
MOTLEYFOOL: Jackson, you know why I don't feed you human food? I do have my reasons ya know.
JACKSON: Do tell, I'm curious.
MOTLEYFOOL: Well, remember how Boris died? He had a cancerous growth in his stomach.
JACKSON: Yes, I remember.
MOTLEYFOOL: I always gave Boris leftovers, you know, human food scraps and such. But I always heard that human food was really bad for dogs. As far as Boris was concerned I felt that by giving him those leftovers that I was partly responsible for his stomach cancer.
JACKSON: Awwww Motley, why do you beat yourself up like that? Boris lived a long life, we all have to go sometime, right?
MOTLEYFOOL: Yeah, I guess.
JACKSON: So stop fretting about that. Don't worry about stuff you couldn't possibly control. In the cosmic scheme of things giving Boris a home and a long life weigh far more than the meager amount of time that you might or might not have taken from him by giving him less than savory food.
MOTLEYFOOL: I dunno...
JACKSON: Listen to me Motley, this universe couldn't care less about those little things. There are bigger things, time, space, eternity, paradox and ultimately, love. You gave Boris more than enough of that.
MOTLEYFOOL: Very well. Geez Jackson, how do you come up with this stuff? Did they teach you these advanced concepts at Dogwarts School for Dogs?
JACKSON: Well actually, I got most of it from TV. Ever see Steven Hawking's Universe? Or maybe Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth?
MOTLEYFOOL: Yes, actually I have. But what do they have to do with any of this?
JACKSON: Ummmm...nothing really. I'm just trying to make you feel better.
MOTLEYFOOL: Hahahahahaha! Hey wanna know something? Boris and I had this little routine. At lunchtime I would always give him the last bite of my sandwich.
JACKSON: Alright!! Let's get this tradition going again!
MOTLEYFOOL: Well...I suppose it couldn't hurt. Ever had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
JACKSON: No, but I'd love to try.
MOTLEYFOOL: Ok fella, here you go.
JACKSON: *Scarfing sounds* Oh Motley, this is divine!!! Oh brave new world!!!
MOTLEYFOOL: Pretty good huh?
JACKSON: Oh my!! Can we make this a regular thing? Please?
MOTLEYFOOL: *sigh* Yeah sure, anybody who can put all this into a cosmic perspective probably deserves nothing but the best.
JACKSON: Thanks Motley, I needed that. Oh, will you pass the Grey Poupon?


shyloh's poetry said…
Ha ha excellent, excellent story.

Merry Christmas to you.
Prat said…
Lol, a conversation with your dog.
This is such a sweet, funny piece.

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